Henry Country
Significant Adjustments
Significant Budget Adjustments in FY 2022
- Moved employees (paraprofessionals) paid on the “125” (Paraprofessional 1-A) scale to the “125A” (Paraprofessional) scale. This adjustment retires the “125” scale.
- Moved employees (Health Office Assistants) paid on the “125E” (Health Office Assistants) scale to the “125A” (Paraprofessional) scale. This adjustment retires the “125E” scale.
- Moved employees (Office Assistants) paid on the “132A” (Office Assistant) scale to the “125B” (Paraprofessional 1) scale. This adjustment retires the “132A” scale.
- Increased budget to offset funding decrease in Regional Special Education program
- Added three coordinator positions: Student Engagement Coordinator; Truancy Coordinator; and Special Education Coordinator
- Added thirteen regular education positions: 12 elementary classroom positions and 1 CTE position at Career Academy
- Added three Special Education and Related Service positions: 2 Speech Impaired positions and a clerical position to assist with school psychologists
- Added five Special Education paraprofessionals
- Increased Education and Recreation Supply lines and Capital Outlay lines in school budgets
- Increased budget to reflect increased cost in School Resource Officer (SRO) compensation
- Increased Teacher Supplements to allow coach/sponsor stipends to increase base salary in the coach/sponsor stipend calculation.
- Increased budget for Fuel, Other Operating Supplies, Purchased Services, and Machinery and Equipment Replacement and Addition lines in Pupil Transportation
- Increased budget for Meraki licenses and ADP Equipment Replacement in Technology
- Increased budget for Maintenance to reflect inflation in supplies and Purchased Services