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Significant Adjustments

  • Provided a one-step increase to all employees on the teacher scale making adjustments to the teacher scale providing a 5% increase with the step. The new teacher scale now starts at $50,103.
  • As a recommendation from the Evergreen Salary Study conducted in 2022-2023, the teacher scale has been expanded from 28 steps to 30 steps. With an approximate 1% increase between each step. People on step 28 will be placed on step 29 or step 30 based on years of service. Those teachers on step 28 who currently are off step and currently make $71,801 will receive a $2,500 stipend.
  • Provided a one-step increase to all employees on the classified scales and increased classified scales by 5%.
  • As a recommendation from the Evergreen Salary Study conducted in 2022-2023, classified scales have been expanded from 28 steps to 30 steps. People on step 28 will be placed on step 29 or step 30 based on years of service. Those classified employees who are currently on step 28 who are currently off step and making more than step 30 for that classified scale will receive a $2,500 stipend or the equivalent of a $2,500 increase.
  • As a recommendation from the Evergreen Salary Study conducted in 2022-2023, the Secretary/Bookkeeper, Secretary, and Bus Mechanic Scales will be increased by an average of 7.5%.
  • Provided a 5% increase to annual pay for all contracted and full-time bus drivers and drivers’ aides.
  • Providing a 5% increase for all employees paid on an open range/administrative scale.
  • Increases in the Transportation category for fuel, parts, and additional bus drivers.
  • Increases in the Technology Category for technology infrastructure and sustainability plan for one- to-one technology program.
  • Increased the utilities line item in the Operations & Maintenance category in response to escalating energy costs.
  • Increased Facilities “Building Improvement” line to plan for projects that would not be covered by the 1% Sales Tax.
  • The General Assembly convened for the 2024 Special Session I on May 13, 2024. The House of Delegates and the Senate adopted an amended FY 2024 budget (HB 6002) and a 2024-2026 biennial budget (HB 6001), and Governor Youngkin signed both bills, which were enacted as Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 respectively. Removing state funded grants such as Governor’s School and Alternative Education, which are part of the grant portion of the budget, the total increase of state revenue from the General Assembly Special Session Budget compared to the Governor’s Introduced budget in December of 2023 for FY25 is $7,467,395. The total increase in the Local Share is $1,837,782 compared to the Governor’s Introduced budget in December of 2023 for the FY25 budget.