Filing for Retirement
I'm Ready to Retire! Now What?
We want to help you and make this as easy as possible. Below is a step-by-step guide to the retirement process.
1. Contact Tanya Verlik, Deputy Director of HR at or (276) 634-4706 to request a Henry County Public Schools Benefit Summary. You will be provided a packet, made specifically for you, reviewing your retiree benefits through Henry County Public Schools and the Virginia Retirement System.
2. Submit your letter of retirement to your administrator and the Human Resources Department. Keep in mind, your VRS retirement begins the first day of the month following retirement.
3. Apply for Retirement. You have two options to apply for retirement. If available, you may complete all VRS Service Retirement forms online through myVRS. If you sign in to myVRS and do not see Apply for Retirement under the Manage My Benefits tab, then you will need to complete paper forms. Whether you choose to apply online or by paper forms, we will be happy to assist. Please contact Tanya Verlik, Deputy Director of HR at or (276) 634-4706 to request an appointment to apply for retirement.
**Note: VRS requests applications for retirement at least 60 days in advance, but not more than four (4) months in advance of retirement. Employees are encouraged to apply early to reduce the risk of a processing delay.
What You Will Need to Apply:
- Name(s), mailing address(es), social security number(s), and date(s) of birth for anyone you wish to name as beneficiary.
- Know which benefit payout option you wish to choose. To learn more, visit VRS Benefit Payout Options.
- If you are electing the Partial Lump-Sum Payment Option and plan to roll over the funds to a qualified tax-deferred savings plan, you will need the IRA Custodian/Employer Plan Trustee, address, account number, phone number and type of plan. If the check will be sent directly to the financial institution, please have the name of the point of contact.
- A voided check with the correct routing information and account number for direct deposit (if you are not applying online).
- The application requires your spouse's signature if you are married or separated. If you are divorced, the date your divorce became final will be required.
4. That's it! Once your forms are submitted, VRS will process your request and you will be notified by mail when your retirement application has been processed and approved.