Budget Variables
Projected FY 2022* |
Unadjusted ADM - State Projection |
6,713.50 |
Adjusted ADM - State Projection |
6,713.50 |
Composite Index |
0.2253 |
Basic Aid (PPA) |
$6,360.00 |
Textbook (PPA) |
$107.47 |
Vocational Education (PPA) |
$120.00 |
Gifted Education (PPA) |
$53.00 |
Special Education (PPA) |
$571.00 |
Prevention, Intervention, and Remediation (PPA) |
$254.00 |
VRS Retirement (PPA) |
$720.00 |
Social Security (PPA) |
$308.00 |
Group Life (PPA) |
$22.00 |
Remedial Summer School (PPA) |
$545.00 |
Governor's School (PPA) |
$5,754.13 |
English as a Second Language - State Projection |
366.00 |
Remedial Summer School - State Projection |
107.00 |
ADM – Average Daily Membership
PPA – Per Pupil Allotment
* This information is provided by the Virginia Department of Education, based on the amendments adopted at the 2021 SPECIAL SESSION I of the General Assembly to the 2020 – 2022 Biennial Budget (HB1800/SB1100). The PPA for each item, times the total ADM (6,713.50), equals the corresponding totals in the SOQ funding table in the Revenue section of this booklet.