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Article I Roles and Responsibilities of Partner Organizations

Roles and Responsibilities of Partner Organizations

Sheriff’s Office Responsibilities

  1. The Sheriff will designate a direct point of contact between HCSO and HCPS. The point of contact will address any operational and administrative issues and will serve as a consultant for school safety and security issues including critical response planning. The designee will establish and maintain effective relationships with school personnel at the division and school levels.
    1. The designee will have membership on the HCPS Strategic Plan committee team that oversees Safe and Innovative Learning Environments (SILE)
  2. Selection, assignment, scheduling, training, supervision, and evaluation of school resource officers (SROs) will be the responsibility of HCSO.
  3. In developing and implementing law enforcement policies and practices that may affect schools, the Sheriff will consult with and take into consideration the views of the Superintendent and/or the Superintendent’s designee.
  4. HCSO will ensure that the SRO receives relevant training prior to or within 60 days of assignment in a school and ongoing joint training with school administrators. The HCSO shall enroll any newly appointed SRO’s in the DCJS School Resource Officer and School Administrator Basic Course as soon as course scheduling allows.

School Division’s Responsibilities

  1. HCPS will designate a primary division-level point of contact to implement the partnership and to maintain ongoing communications with HCSO officials.
    1. The primary point of contact for HCPS will be the Director of Student Support Services.
    2. Alternate points of contact will include: Assistant Superintendent of Operations; Director of Facilities and Maintenance; Director of Communication
  2. It is the responsibility of school administrators to facilitate effective communication between the SRO and school staff and to support the goals of the partnership.
  3. Each school with an assigned SRO will provide area(s) for the SRO that include the following materials and facilities, which are deemed necessary:
    1. Use of an air-conditioned, lockable, and properly lighted private office that shall contain a telephone, which may be used for general business purposes
    2. A location for files and records which can be properly locked and secured
    3. A desk with drawers, chairs, work table, filing cabinet, and office supplies
    4. Access to a computer, printer, and/or secretarial assistance as needed
  4. HCPS will handle discipline within the school disciplinary process, according to the student code of conduct, without involving SROs. Law enforcement is not to be involved with disciplinary action. HCPS is responsible for communicating the goals and role of the SRO to all school administration, staff, and students.
  5. HCPS will ensure that school administrators with an assigned SRO will receive relevant training prior to or within 60 days of the SRO’s assignment in a school and ongoing joint training with SROs.

School Resource Officer (SRO) Roles and Responsibilities

  1. SROs will be considered active members of their assigned schools. The SRO facilitates the effective delivery of law enforcement services and assists with matters related to safety, security, and the exchange of information.
  2. The SRO shall be assigned to the school on a full-time basis of eight (8) hours on those days and during those hours that the school is in regular session. The SRO may be temporarily reassigned by the Sheriff during a period of law enforcement emergencies.
  3. SROs serve multiple roles in schools. The roles are interrelated but all are carried out with the aim to contribute to school safety and security and to promote positive and supportive school climates. Key roles are:
    1. Law enforcement officer: As sworn law enforcement officers, SROs’ primary role in schools is as a law enforcement officer. SROs assume primary responsibility for responding to requests for assistance from administrators and coordinating the response of other law enforcement resources to the school. SROs should work with school administrators in problem solving to prevent crime and promote safety in the school environment.
    2. Law-related educator: The SRO may act as an instructor for specialized, short-term programs at the school. The SRO shall develop expertise in presenting various subjects to students. Such subjects shall include a basic understanding of the law, changes in relevant laws, the role of the law enforcement officer, crime prevention, school safety strategies, and law-related education lessons approved in advance by the SRO Supervisor.
    3. Informal mentor and role model: SROs are expected to communicate clearly to students about acceptable and unacceptable behavior, to set a positive example in handling stressful situations and resolving conflicts, to show respect and consideration of others, and to express high expectations for student behavior. Student who may need additional assistance shall be referred to a school-based resource.

School Administrator Roles and Responsibilities

  1. The school administrator is recognized as the instructional leader of the school and is responsible for effective school management that promotes positive student achievement, a safe and secure environment in which to teach and learn, and efficient use of resources.
  2. The school administrator is to ensure that the school division’s student code of conduct is enforced and seeks to maintain a safe and secure school environment.
  3. The school administrator is to enforce a written procedure, in accordance with guidelines established by the local board, for responding to violent, disruptive, or illegal activities by student on school property or during a school-sponsored activity.
  4. The school administrator should review this MOU with SROs and establish school-specific operational and communication procedures to support the goals of the partner organizations.