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Behavior Intervention and Response Levels











Verbal Warning

In-school Suspension (ISS)

After School Detention (ASD)

Out-of-School Suspension (OSS) (up to 10 days per offense)

Out-of-School Suspension (OSS) for 10 days per offense

Student Conference

Temporary Suspension from School Bus

Out-of- School Suspension (OSS) (1-5 days per offense)

Referral to Discipline Review Officer

Discipline Review Hearing

Parent Contact

Confiscation of Item(s)

Suspension from School-Sponsored Activities

Alteration in Daily Schedule

Report to Law Enforcement (may result in criminal charges)

Referral to School Counselor

Schedule Change

Loss of Privilege(s)

[including access to School Division’s computer system, bus riding privileges, and driving privileges]

Referral to School Resource Officer (SRO) and Possible Charges for Offense

Placement in First Offender Program at CCL (for Drug Violations not including distribution)

Home Visit



Recommendation for Alternative Placement (including CCL, Regional Alternative Program, or Homebound)

Temporary Removal from Class

Suspension of Privilege(s)


Recommendation for Expulsion

Re-teaching or Modeling Desired Behavior

Student Behavior Contract


Written Reflection

Referral to Community Counseling


Change in Seating


Level 1 Responses

are intended to prevent further behavioral issues while keeping the student in school. These responses can be initiated by the teacher, counselor, or school administrator.

Level 2 Responses

are administrative responses and interventions designed to prevent further behavioral issues while keeping the student in school.

Level 3 Responses

may result in the short-term removal of a student from the school depending on the severity, chronic nature of the behavior, and/or the safety concerns that the behavior presents.

Level 4 Responses

include short-term removal from the school and may result in changes of placement, criminal charges, and/or removal from a course for the remainder of an academic term.

Level 5 Responses

are reserved for offenses that require referral to the superintendent or designee. These may not automatically result in an expulsion, alternative placement, or school re-assignment.