Henry County Public Schools Volunteer ProcesS
Henry County Public Schools requires that a full background check be processed for any person wanting to act as a volunteer within the school system. For Henry County, the background check process has two steps. The total cost for the entire background check process is $29.45. Once completed and approved, all background checks are effective for three years.
To ensure there are no delays, please complete both steps of the volunteer process simultaneously.
Step One: Central Registry Background Check
This portion of the background check is conducted by the Virginia Department of Social Services. The Central Registry Search form must be filled out and a $10.00 cashier's check or money order attached. Please make the check payable to "Virginia Department of Social Services" and make sure you sign the money order/cashier's check, if required. A notary is no longer required!
Tips for Completing the VDSS Central Registry Form:
- Print ALL pages of the Central Registry background check.
- Use black ink or type the form.
- Make sure the writing is legible.
- DO NOT use white out or mark through any information that is incorrectly entered.
- Do not use initials - full names are required. If the name is an initial only, indicate "Initial Only."
- Middle name should be the middle name given at birth.
- Maiden name should be the last name before marriage.
- If you have never been married, please mark Single and list N/A in the box below.
- Dates of birth must be included for all spouses listed and all children. Unknown is not acceptable and will be returned, which will delay the process.
- Make sure to sign your form on the second page. The notary section should be left blank.
- You may mail the form to the address on the form or you may return the form to the school for mailing.
- Attach your money order or cashier's check made payable to "Virginia Department of Social Services" and make sure you sign the check. Personal checks or cash WILL NOT be accepted.
Step Two: Criminal Background Check
This portion of the background check is offered online and must be completed along with the Central Registry background check. The cost is $19.45, which is paid online by credit or debit card. (Tip: If you do not have a social security number, you may enter your Visa or Tax ID number in that section).
Access the Henry County Secure Volunteer website.
Once all background results have been received, you will be notified by email from Secure Volunteer that your application has been approved. You will then be able to access your Secure Volunteer digital card via their new mobile app and your name will be added to the Henry County Public Schools Approved Volunteer list, which is available to all school secretaries and principals. Instructions for the new Secure Volunteer Mobile App are provided below.
Important Note: Secure Volunteer will archive your results in 90 days after submission. It is imperative that you submit the Virginia Department of Social Services form at the same time to ensure results are received prior to your criminal background results expiring. If both portions of the background are not received before expiration, you will be required to complete the process again at additional cost.
Helpful Information:
- Results may take up to six (6) weeks to be received. The approved volunteer list is updated daily as results are received.
- Make sure you provide Secure Volunteer with a valid email address that you check regularly. This is how they will communicate your approval and notify you when you are due for renewal.
- Your volunteer approval is good for three (3) years from approval!
There is no way to expedite the background check process; it takes at least 6 weeks for the background checks to be returned. Please be aware of this when planning to attend all field trips or volunteering/chaperoning opportunities within the school system.
Contact Information
Central Office
3300 Kings Mountain Road, 3rd Floor
Collinsville, VA 24078
For general information and tips: (276) 634-4700
For more specific questions or for questions regarding an existing volunteer contact Tanya Verlik, HR Deputy Director.
Phone: (276) 634-4706
Email: tverlik@henry.k12.va.us
Frequently Asked Questions
- How long are the background checks good?
- I completed the background checks, but have not heard anything yet. What do I do?
- I received the approval email. Where do I get my badge?
- Do I need to do separate background checks if I want to volunteer at more than one school?
- I have not received my approval email yet or my badge. Can I still go on a field trip or volunteer?
- How much does it cost?
- What if I do not have a debit card or credit card to pay for the online background check in step two?
- I have lost my Secure Volunteer card! What do I do?
- I was an approved volunteer before HCPS started using Secure Volunteer and have an old photo ID badge. When do I need to update my information?