Henry Country
Step One
This portion of the background check is conducted by the Virginia Department of Social Services. The Central Registry Search form must be filled out and a $10.00 cashier's check or money order attached. Please make the check payable to "Virginia Department of Social Services" and make sure you sign the money order/cashier's check, if required. A notary is no longer required!
Tips for Completing the VDSS Central Registry Form:
- Print ALL pages of the Central Registry background check.
- Use black ink or type the form.
- Make sure the writing is legible.
- DO NOT use white out or mark through any information that is incorrectly entered.
- Do not use initials - full names are required. If the name is an initial only, indicate "Initial Only."
- Middle name should be the middle name given at birth.
- Maiden name should be the last name before marriage.
- If you have never been married, please mark Single and list N/A in the box below.
- Dates of birth must be included for all spouses listed and all children. Unknown is not acceptable and will be returned, which will delay the process.
- Make sure to sign your form on the second page. The notary section should be left blank.
- You may mail the form to the address on the form or you may return the form to the school for mailing.
- Attach your money order or cashier's check made payable to "Virginia Department of Social Services" and make sure you sign the check. Personal checks or cash WILL NOT be accepted.