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Availability of Homebound Services

Medical Homebound

Students who have legitimate medical reasons for prolonged absences from school can request to receive homebound services during their absence. Students are eligible for medical homebound when they are unable to attend school or when treatment for a legitimate health concern prevents the student from regular attendance. In order to begin homebound instructional services, a doctor or clinical psychiatrist must complete a portion of the request form and submit that to the Director of Student Support Services.

Once the request form has been submitted in its entirety, the Student Support Services department will first decide whether to approve or deny the request. If the request is approved, a homebound instructor will be assigned to work with the student, and services will begin as soon as possible. This is not always a seamless process, as the availability of homebound instructors fluctuates throughout the year. On average, the passage of time between the receipt of the request and the start of instruction is one week.

Administrative Homebound (Alternative Placement)

Homebound services are made available in some cases when it becomes necessary to provide educational services in an alternative setting. In these cases, a decision by the Director of Student Support Services or the recommendation of either the Discipline Review Committee or the Discipline Review Officer initiates the services. Services begin as soon as possible and continue for a set duration. When possible, students remain enrolled in their current classes and may be given access to online curriculum so as not to diminish the academic opportunities available to the student.

The alternative education programs offered at the Center for Community Learning and at the Regional Alternative Program are not available to elementary students. Therefore, when it is determined that an elementary student needs to be placed in an alternate setting, homebound services will be the alternative setting.

Home-based Instruction (Special Education)

Home-based instruction is a setting within the continuum of services available to students who receive Special Education services. Placement in a home-based instructional setting requires action by the student’s Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) team.