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Career and Technical Education

Connecting Education and Careers

Mr. Mike Minter

Director of Career and Technical Education and the Career Academy

Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs are offered to all students in grades six through twelve. In the sixth grade, students explore courses including Agriculture, Middle School Keyboarding, Career Pathways, Technology Education and Family and Consumer Sciences. In grades seven and eight, students take elective courses including Career Pathways, Computer Applications, Digital Input Technologies, Family and Consumer Sciences, Technology Education, and Agriculture. In grades 9-12, the Career and Technical Education program areas include Agriculture, Business and Information Technology, Family and Consumer Sciences, Health and Medical Sciences, JROTC, Marketing, Technology Education and Trade and Industrial Education.

Career and Technical Education programs are designed to prepare students for further education at two or four-year colleges and universities, technical college, or to enter the workforce upon graduation from high school. CTE instructional programs are correlated with Virginia's Standards of Learning and provide opportunities to reinforce SOL instruction. Selected CTE courses offer dual enrollment and articulation opportunities for students with Patrick Henry Community College, allowing students to receive college credit while still in high school. Cooperative education, internships, and job shadowing opportunities provide work based learning experiences for students. Career and technical education student organizations provide leadership development opportunities for students.

Henry County Schools hold high expectations for all students. Students enrolling in programs that offer industry certification exams, state licensures, and occupational competency assessments are encouraged to sit for the exam and gain industry specific certifications, licensures, or credentials. Students have opportunities to earn two student-selected verified credits for state board approved industry certification exams and state licensure exams when certain criteria are met. Career and Technical Education programs continue to grow and change to reflect current workplace expectations of employees. 

A Guide to Industry Certification

Virginia Career Education Foundation 

Career & Technical Education Helpful Links

CTE Virginia DOE Homepage

Path to Industry Certification

Virginia DOE Homepage

Virginia Career View

West Piedmont Workforce Investment Network

Virginia Board of Education Seals

Association for Career and Technical Education

Virginia Association for Career and Technical Education

Virginia Career Education Foundation

Virginia CTE Resource Center

Virginia CTE Trailblazers 

Trailblazers, a joint project of the Virginia Department of Education Office of Career and Technical Education and the Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service at University of Virginia, brings high quality, current demographic and labor market data together with policy and program analysis to support continuous improvement in career and technical education in Virginia. Trailblazers supports the goals articulated by the Carl Perkins Act, particularly in its focus on expanding educational and employment opportunities for students, regardless of gender.

The Trailblazers site serves as a central location for labor market data products, reports, and external resources we have developed or identified for CTE professionals.  Please use the above tabs to navigate to the particular page you need.