Online Course Options
All online and off campus courses must be pre-approved by the building principal.
The school division will contract with an online vendor to offer courses that may not be available due to scheduling conflicts that prevent the class(es) from being offered during the regular school setting. The cost of these courses shall be the responsibility of the school division. In other situations, the cost of an on-line course is the responsibility of the student/parent/guardian. Prices vary depending upon courses and availability. Contact your building principal concerning costs. The cost of all courses will be posted on the school division website.
VDOE Virtual Virginia Advanced Placement School (4x4 Block Online Course Offerings)
Students are enrolled in Virtual Virginia when there is a scheduling conflict and must be enrolled by the counselor and approved by the principal. Students enrolling in Virtual Virginia who are participants in the Early College Scholars program will have tuition and Advanced Placement examination fees for any Virtual Virginia Advanced Placement course paid by the Department of Education. Students in Virtual Virginia courses who wish to drop a course must withdraw within 21 calendar days from the first day of the course. Students who fail to login over a 30 calendar day period will be administratively dropped from the course. Information about the program and course selection is available at or see your school counselor.