ACE Academy
Accelerated College Education Academy (ACE)
ACE Academy is a partnership between Patrick & Henry Community College and Henry County Public Schools. Students selected to participate in the ACE Academy will earn an Associate’s Degree from Patrick & Henry Community College by taking courses during their junior and senior years of high school. The Advanced Placement curriculum will be taught in the courses offered at the student’s home school.
Students interested in enrolling in the ACE Academy should speak with a school counselor regarding their plan of study. It is recommended that students complete their third year of foreign language by the end of their sophomore year.
Students should contact a school counselor in the winter of their sophomore year for an application. Admission to the ACE Academy is highly competitive. Selection criteria include GPA, SOL scores, teacher recommendations and acceptance to Patrick & Henry Community College.
Students accepted to the ACE program have the option of following the General Studies Track or selecting the Teacher Education or Health Sciences Track. Students choosing the General Studies track will attend Patrick & Henry for one-half day during their senior year. All other courses will be taught at their home school.
The Health Sciences track includes the courses that are pre-requisites to apply to P&HCC’s RN program. If students choose the Health Sciences track, they will attend Patrick & Henry for a half-day during fall of their senior year and for first block during the spring Semester of their senior year. Upon successful completion of the Health Sciences track, students will be eligible to apply for admission to the P&HCC RN program during March of their senior year. If accepted, students will begin the Nursing program in August following their high school graduation.
Students wishing to pursue a career as a teacher can choose to participate in the Teacher Education track. The courses selected as part of this pathway are courses that are required by most senior institutions as part of their teacher education preparation programs. Course requirements vary by institution.
Ace Academy | ACE Academy - Health Sciences | ACE Academy - Teacher Education | High School Course | Schedule |
Junior Year | ||||
SDV 100 | SDV 100 | SDV 100 | Summer before Junior Year | |
HIS 121 & HIS 122 | HIS 121 & HIS 122 | HIS 121 & HIS 122 | AP/US VA History | As scheduled at high school |
ENG 111 & ENG 246 | ENG 111 & ENG 246 | ENG 111 & ENG 246 | AP/DE English 11/DE Language & Composition | As scheduled at high school |
PSY 200 | PSY 200 | PSY 200 | AP/DE Psychology | As scheduled at high school |
REL 231 & REL 232 | REL 231 & REL 232 | REL 231 & REL 232 | DE World Religions | As scheduled at high school |
Senior Year | ||||
ENG 112 & ENG 245 | ENG 112 & ENG 245 | ENG 112 & ENG 245 | AP/DE English 12 | As scheduled at high school |
PLS 135 & PLS 136 | PLS 135 & PLS 136 | PLS 135 & PLS 136 | AP/DE US/VA Government | As scheduled at high school |
MTH 167 | MTH 167 | MTH 167 | DE Math Analysis/Pre-Calculus | As scheduled at high school |
MTH 263 | MTH 263 | MTH 263 | AP/DE Calculus | As scheduled at high school |
BIO 101 & BIO 102 | BIO 101 & BIO 102 | BIO 101 & BIO 102 | AP/DE Biology | As scheduled at high school |
ITE 115 | ITE 115 | ITE 115 | Fall at P&HCC - Block 1 | |
CST 110 | CST 110 | CST 110 | Fall at P&HCC - Block 1 | |
PED 210 | PSY 230 | ENG 250 | Fall at P&HCC - Block 2 | |
SOC 200 | BIO 141 | EDU 200 | Fall at P&HCC - Block 2 | |
BIO 142 | PSY 230 | Spring at P&HCC - Block 1 | ||
SOC 200 | GEO 210 | Spring at P&HCC - Block 1 |
Courses Prior to Junior Year
Students enrolled in the ACE Academy must complete one introductory course prior to the beginning of their junior year. These courses are scheduled by staff at Patrick & Henry Community College and are offered multiple times throughout the summer.
College Success Skills - (SDV 100: 1 college credit)
Assists students in transition to colleges. Provides overviews of college policies, procedures, curricular offerings. Encourages contacts with other students and staff. Assists students toward college success through information regarding effective study habits, career and academic planning, and other college resources available to students. May include English and Math placement testing. Strongly recommended for beginning students. Required for graduation.
Junior Course Descriptions
Juniors must enroll in ALL courses offered by Patrick & Henry Community College listed for them that year.
AP/DE US/VA History—1 high school credit (HIS 121-122: 6 college credits)
The focus of this course is on the major themes, events, and ideas that shaped the history of the United States. Students probe, in depth, the dynamics of American political and diplomatic decision-making, national and sectional interests, and a variety of personalities and social movements related to the development of the United States. Distinguishing characteristics of cultures are examined through literature, art, architecture, music, religion, philosophy and geography. Students will be required to write thoughtful and factually supported papers on historical topics.
AP/DE English 11 —1 high school credit (ENG 111: 3 College credits)
AP/DE English 11 incorporates the requirements for the regular English 11 classes in addition to extensive writing assignments and novel studies, as well as, summer reading assignments. This course introduces students to critical thinking and the fundamentals of academic writing. Through the writing process, students refine topics; develop and support ideas; investigate; evaluate and incorporate appropriate resources; edit for effective style and usage; and determine appropriate approaches for a variety of contexts, audiences, and purposes. Writing activities will include exposition and argumentation with at least one research project. SAT preparation will be included as a unit of study.
AP/DE Language and Composition—1 high school credit (ENG 246: 3 college credits)
This course offers advanced language studies and provides opportunities to practice a variety of rhetorical modes through assignment of frequent essays. Students read certain works of British, American, and world literature, and complete follow-up assignments requiring application of advanced techniques of literary analysis. A documented research paper and an oral presentation are required.
DE World Religions—1 high school credit (REL 231-232: (6 college credits)
This course is designed to focus on the origin, doctrine, and history of each religion. The student will take an in-depth view of the major religions and the effect they have had on the formation of governments and countries as well as what impact it has had on society through time. Additionally, this course is intended to help students to have a broader understanding of how and why people worship.
AP/DE Psychology—1 high school credit (PSY 200: 3 college credits)
This course introduces students to the systematic and scientific study of the behavior and mental processes of human beings and other animals. Students are exposed to the psychological facts, principles, and phenomena associated with each of the major subfields within psychology. They also learn about ethics and methods psychologists use in their science and practice. Major topics in the course include methods, approaches and history; biological bases of behavior; sensation and perception; states of consciousness; learning; cognition; motivation and emotion; developmental psychology; personality; testing and individual differences; psychological disorders; treatment of psychological disorders; social psychology.
Senior Course Descriptions - General Studies
AP/DE English 12—1 high school credit (ENG 112 & ENG 245: 6 college credits)
This course engages students in the careful reading and critical analysis of imaginative literature. Through the close reading of selected texts, students deepen their understanding of the ways writers use language to provide both meaning and pleasure for their readers. As they read, students consider a work’s structure, style, and themes as well as such smaller-scale elements as the use of figurative language, imagery, symbolism, and tone.
AP/DE US/VA Government—1 high school credit (PLS 135-136: 6 college credits)
AP/DE US/VA Government provides students with challenging assignments in reading, analysis, synthesis, writing, and speaking. Students examine the principles and practices of government, particularly of American government, at national, state, and local levels. The framework for this course includes units on the development of the theories of government, law and the justice system, and current domestic and foreign policy. Students will be required to differentiate among the operations of each of the levels of the United States Government.
AP/DE Biology—1 high school credit (BIO 101-102: 8 college credits)
In this course, students are provided in-depth coverage of molecular biology, genetics, cellular biology, embryology, plant and animal physiology, and human anatomy and physiology. Experience will be provided in special techniques and laboratory materials and equipment used in modern biological research.
AP/DE Math Analysis/Pre-Calculus-1 High School Credit (MTH 167: 5 college credits) Prerequisite: Trigonometry/Math Functions
Students enrolled in Mathematical Analysis are assumed to have mastered Algebra II concepts and have some exposure to trigonometry. Mathematical Analysis develops students’ understanding of algebraic and transcendental functions, parametric and polar equations, sequences and series, and vectors. The content of this course serves as appropriate preparation for a calculus course. This is a year-long class combined with calculus.
AP/DE Calculus –1 high school credit (MTH 263: 4 college credits) Prerequisite: Math Analysis/
AP/DE Calculus extends the theory of elementary functions. Topics include: derivatives of algebraic functions, and transcendental functions; derivatives of the sum, difference, product, quotient and power of algebraic/ transcendental functions; the definite integral and improper integrals and concepts related to integration; logarithmic differentiation; techniques of integration; differential equations, and applications of the derivative and the definite integral. Both applications and formal proof are emphasized. This is a year-long class combined with Pre-Calculus.
Introduction to Computer Applications & Concepts- 1 high school credit (ITE 115: 3 college credits)
Covers computer concepts and internet skills, and uses a software suite which includes word processing, spreadsheet, database, and presentation software to demonstrate skills. Recommended prerequisite keyboarding skills.
Introduction to Communication – 1 high school credit (CST 110: 3 college credits)
Examines the elements affecting speech communication at the individual, small group and public communication levels with emphasis on practice of communication at teach level.
Introduction to Physical Education and Health- 1 high school credit (PED 210-3 college credits)
Provides an overview of the historical, philosophical, psychological, physiological, and sociological principles of health, physical education, and recreation.
Introduction to Sociology- 1 high school credit (SOC 200-3 college credits)
Introduces the fundamental concepts and principles of sociology with attention to sociological theory, research methods, and the impact of social inequality. Examines a variety of topics such as culture, race, social class, gender, major social institutions and their role in contemporary society, and the process of social change.
Senior Course Descriptions - Health Sciences
AP/DE English 12—1 high school credit (ENG 112 & ENG 245: 6 college credits)
This course engages students in the careful reading and critical analysis of imaginative literature. Through the close reading of selected texts, students deepen their understanding of the ways writers use language to provide both meaning and pleasure for their readers. As they read, students consider a work’s structure, style, and themes as well as such smaller-scale elements as the use of figurative language, imagery, symbolism, and tone.
AP/DE US/VA Government—1 high school credit (PLS 135-136: 6 college credits)
AP/DE US/VA Government provides students with challenging assignments in reading, analysis, synthesis, writing, and speaking. Students examine the principles and practices of government, particularly of American government, at national, state, and local levels. The framework for this course includes units on the development of the theories of government, law and the justice system, and current domestic and foreign policy. Students will be required to differentiate among the operations of each of the levels of the United States Government.
AP/DE Math Analysis/Pre-Calculus-1 High School Credit (MTH 167: 5 college credits) Prerequisite: Trigonometry/Math Functions
Students enrolled in Mathematical Analysis are assumed to have mastered Algebra II concepts and have some exposure to trigonometry. Mathematical Analysis develops students’ understanding of algebraic and transcendental functions, parametric and polar equations, sequences and series, and vectors. The content of this course serves as appropriate preparation for a calculus course. This is a year-long class combined with calculus.
AP/DE Calculus –1 high school credit (MTH 263: 4 college credits) Prerequisite: Math Analysis/
AP/DE Calculus extends the theory of elementary functions. Topics include: derivatives of algebraic functions, and transcendental functions; derivatives of the sum, difference, product, quotient and power of algebraic/ transcendental functions; the definite integral and improper integrals and concepts related to integration; logarithmic differentiation; techniques of integration; differential equations, and applications of the derivative and the definite integral. Both applications and formal proof are emphasized. This is a year-long class combined with Pre-Calculus.
AP/DE Biology—1 high school credit (BIO 101-102: 8 college credits)
In this course, students are provided in-depth coverage of molecular biology, genetics, cellular biology, embryology, plant and animal physiology, and human anatomy and physiology. Experience will be provided in special techniques and laboratory materials and equipment used in modern biological research.
Introduction to Computer Applications & Concepts- 1 high school credit (ITE 115: 3 college credits)
Covers computer concepts and internet skills, and uses a software suite which includes word processing, spreadsheet, database, and presentation software to demonstrate skills. Recommended prerequisite keyboarding skills.
Introduction to Communication – 1 high school credit (CST 110: 3 college credits)
Examines the elements affecting speech communication at the individual, small group and public communication levels with emphasis on practice of communication at teach level.
Developmental Psychology – 1 high school credit (PSY 230: 3 college credits)
Studies the development of the individual from conception to death. Follows a life-span perspective on the development of the person’s physical, cognitive, and psychosocial growth.
Human Anatomy & Physiology I – 1 high school credit (BIO 141: 4 college credits)
Integrates anatomy and physiology of cells, tissues, organs, and systems of the human body. Integrates concepts of chemistry, physics, and pathology. Part I of II.
Human Anatomy & Physiology II – 1 high school credit (BIO 142: 4 college credits)
Integrates anatomy and physiology of cells, tissues, organs, and systems of the human body. Integrates concepts of chemistry, physics, and pathology. Part II of II.
Introduction to Sociology- 1 high school credit (SOC 200-3 college credits)
Introduces the fundamental concepts and principles of sociology with attention to sociological theory, research methods, and the impact of social inequality. Examines a variety of topics such as culture, race, social class, gender, major social institutions and their role in contemporary society, and the process of social change.
Senior Course Descriptions - Teacher Prep
AP/DE English 12—1 high school credit (ENG 112 & ENG 245: 6 college credits)
This course engages students in the careful reading and critical analysis of imaginative literature. Through the close reading of selected texts, students deepen their understanding of the ways writers use language to provide both meaning and pleasure for their readers. As they read, students consider a work’s structure, style, and themes as well as such smaller-scale elements as the use of figurative language, imagery, symbolism, and tone.
AP/DE US/VA Government—1 high school credit (PLS 135-136: 6 college credits)
AP/DE US/VA Government provides students with challenging assignments in reading, analysis, synthesis, writing, and speaking. Students examine the principles and practices of government, particularly of American government, at national, state, and local levels. The framework for this course includes units on the development of the theories of government, law and the justice system, and current domestic and foreign policy. Students will be required to differentiate among the operations of each of the levels of the United States Government.
AP/DE Math Analysis/Pre-Calculus-1 High School Credit (MTH 167: 5 college credits) Prerequisite: Trigonometry/Math Functions
Students enrolled in Mathematical Analysis are assumed to have mastered Algebra II concepts and have some exposure to trigonometry. Mathematical Analysis develops students’ understanding of algebraic and transcendental functions, parametric and polar equations, sequences and series, and vectors. The content of this course serves as appropriate preparation for a calculus course. This is a year-long class combined with calculus.
AP/DE Calculus –1 high school credit (MTH 263: 4 college credits) Prerequisite: Math Analysis/
AP/DE Calculus extends the theory of elementary functions. Topics include: derivatives of algebraic functions, and transcendental functions; derivatives of the sum, difference, product, quotient and power of algebraic/ transcendental functions; the definite integral and improper integrals and concepts related to integration; logarithmic differentiation; techniques of integration; differential equations, and applications of the derivative and the definite integral. Both applications and formal proof are emphasized. This is a year-long class combined with Pre-Calculus.
AP/DE Biology—1 high school credit (BIO 101-102: 8 college credits)
In this course, students are provided in-depth coverage of molecular biology, genetics, cellular biology, embryology, plant and animal physiology, and human anatomy and physiology. Experience will be provided in special techniques and laboratory materials and equipment used in modern biological research.
Introduction to Teaching as a Profession- 1 high school credit (EDU 200: 3 college credits)
Provides an orientation to the teaching profession in Virginia, including historical perspectives, current issues, and future trends in education on the national and state levels. Emphasizes information about teacher licensure examinations, steps to certification, teacher preparation and induction programs, and attention to critical shortage areas in Virginia. Includes supervised field placement (recommended: 40 clock hours) in a K-12 school.
Introduction to Communication – 1 high school credit (CST 110: 3 college credits)
Examines the elements affecting speech communication at the individual, small group and public communication levels with emphasis on practice of communication at teach level.
Children's Literature – 1 high school credit (ENG 250: 3 college credits)
Examines the history and development of children's literature of diverse genres, time periods, and authors. Focuses on analysis of texts for literary qualities and audience. Develops critical thinking and interpretive skills through close reading, discussion, and analysis of literary texts.
Introduction to Computer Applications & Concepts- 1 high school credit (ITE 115: 3 college credits)
Covers computer concepts and internet skills, and uses a software suite which includes word processing, spreadsheet, database, and presentation software to demonstrate skills. Recommended prerequisite keyboarding skills.
Developmental Psychology – 1 high school credit (PSY 230: 3 college credits)
Studies the development of the individual from conception to death. Follows a life-span perspective on the development of the person’s physical, cognitive, and psychosocial growth.
People and the Land: Intro to Cultural Geography – 1 high school credit (GEO 210: 3 college credits)
Focuses on the relationship between culture and geography. Presents a survey of modern demographics, landscape modification, material and non-material culture, language, race and ethnicity, religion, politics, and economic activities. Introduces the student to types and uses of maps.
P&HCC Course | High School Course | Credits | Term |
Sophomore | |||
College Survival Skills (SDV 100) | 1 | Summer before Junior Year | |
Junior Year | |||
U.S. History I & II (HIS 121 & HIS 122) | AP US/VA History | 6 | As scheduled at school |
College Composition (ENG 111 & ENG 246) | AP English 11/Language and Composition | 6 | As scheduled at school |
Principles of Psychology (PSY 200) | AP Psychology | 3 | As scheduled at school |
World Religions (REL 231/REL 232) | DE World Religions | 6 | As scheduled at school |
Senior | |||
Survey of English Literature I & II (ENG 112 & ENG 245) | AP English 12/Lit and Composition | 6 | As scheduled at school |
U.S. Government I & II (PLS 135 & PLS 136) | AP US/VA Government | 6 | As scheduled at school |
Pre-Calculus with Trig (MTH 167) | Pre-Calculus (Fall Semester) | 5 | As scheduled at school |
AP/DE Calculus (MTH 263)** | AP Calculus (Spring Semester) | 4 | As scheduled at school |
AP Biology (BIO 101 & BIO 102) | AP Biology | 8 | As scheduled at school |
Introduction to Teaching as a Profession (EDU 200) | 3 | Fall at P&HCC - Block 1 | |
Introduction to Speech Communication (CST 110) | 3 | Fall at P&HCC - Block 2 | |
Children's Literature (ENG 250) | 3 | Fall at P&HCC - Block 2 | |
Intro to Computer Applications (ITE 115) | 3 | Fall at P&HCC - Block 1 | |
Developmental Psychology (PSY 230) |
3 | Spring at P&HCC - Block 1 (online or face-to-face) | |
People and the Land: Intro to Cultural Geography (GEO 210) | 3 | Offered Online through P&HCC - Block 1 | |
Total Credits | 69 | ||
**Substitute extra MTH 167 credit for SDV 199** |