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Career & Technical Education

To help students investigate careers and design their courses of study to advance their career goals, the Office of Career and Technical Education in Henry County Public Schools has adopted the nationally accepted structure of sixteen career clusters.  The career clusters are as follows:

 The 16 Career Clusters

Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources

Architecture & Construction

Arts, A/V Technology &

Business Management &

Education & Training


Government & Public

Health Science

Hospitality & Tourism

Human Services

Information Technology

Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security


Marketing, Sales & Services

Science, Technology,
Engineering & Mathematics

Transportation, Distribution & Logistics

Industry Credential, Licenses & Assessment
Certain CTE courses enable students, who complete a CTE sequence of courses, to earn industry credential, a state license, and/or a national certification. Requirements for the standard diploma shall include a requirement to earn a career and technical education credential that has been approved by the Board. For a complete list of available certifications, licenses and assessments, please see the comprehensive list from the Virginia Department of Education using this link

Cooperative Education
Cooperative education is a method of instruction in the marketing program that combines career and technical classroom instruction with paid employment directly related to the classroom instruction.  Both student instruction and employment are planned and supervised by the school and the employer so that each contributes to the student’s career objectives and employability.  Students interested in cooperative education should see their school counselor.

Career Academy
The Career Academy is an off campus advanced learning community located in Figsboro where students receive academic instruction in a work based learning environment.  Students at the Career Academy will spend two blocks during their school day focusing on a career they have an interest in that will lead to potential job opportunities in the community or surrounding areas. Courses in industrial maintenance, agriculture, cybersecurity, and cosmetology are currently offered. Due to extended instructional time, classes at the Career Academy will have additional credit considerations.

concentration is a coherent sequence of courses completed by a student in a specific career area.

A career and technical education completer is a student who has met the requirements for a career and technical concentration and all requirements for high school graduation or an approved alternative education program. Students may take additional career and technical education courses that will enhance their career pathway goals.

specialization is a choice by a student to specialize in an occupational field by taking additional courses in a specific career area as appropriate to his/her career pathway.