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General Information

Programs for Students with Disabilities
Special Education is an essential part of the total program of public education in our community, sharing with elementary, middle, secondary, and technical education the responsibility for providing instruction, training, and necessary supportive services for all children of Henry County. The educational interests of children with various types of exceptionality can be best served when they are accepted as an integral part of the total school program. As the law mandates, the education of disabled students in the “least restrictive environment” is emphasized. Special education, as is true for all education, is based on the fundamental concept of the dignity and worth of the human personality. The school division’s commitment is to provide an appropriate program for all special needs children.

English Learners (EL)
At each grade level, EL students engage in instructional activities to increase listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.  While building on their prior knowledge and learning new material, students are provided support services through a cohesive program.  Proficiency is determined by the WIDA SCREENER Assessment and/or the WIDA ACCESS 2.0 Test.  Students build Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills (BICS) and Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP) through an inclusion and pull-out model.

Alternative Education
According to Henry County Schools Policy IGBH, an alternative education program may be offered for students in grades six through twelve who are not succeeding in the traditional school environment. Placement in the alternative school program is at the discretion of the Superintendent or Designee. 

A regional alternative school is available for students in grades six through twelve who have experienced trouble with juvenile authorities or have multiple suspensions or an expulsion.

Remediation Programs
Remedial education in the subject areas of reading, English, science, history/social sciences and mathematics is offered for eligible students experiencing difficulty with Standards of Learning concepts.