Standard Diploma Requirements
Subject Area |
Standard Credits |
SOL Tests for Verified Credit Students who entered 9th grade before 2018-2019 |
SOL Tests for Verified Credit Students who entered 9th grade after 2018 - 2019 |
English |
4 |
2 (English 10 Writing; and EOC Reading) |
2 (Locally Awarded Assessment in Writing and EOC Reading) |
Mathematics1 |
3 |
1 (Algebra I; or Geometry; or Algebra II) |
1 (Algebra I; or Geometry; or Algebra II) |
Science2,6 |
3 |
1 (Biology; or Chemistry; or Earth Science) |
1 (Biology; or Chemistry; or Earth Science) |
History and Social Science3,6 |
4 |
1 (World Geography; or World History I; or World History II; or US/VA History |
1 (World Geography; or World History I; or World History II; or US/VA History |
Health and Physical Education |
2 |
Economics and Personal Finance |
1 |
Foreign Language, Fine Arts or Career and Technical Education (CTE)4 |
2 |
Electives5 |
6 |
On-line Course10 |
Required |
Student-Selected Tests7 |
One additional from Mathematics, Science, or History/Social Science, or Career & Technical Education Course (CTE) |
Career & Technical Education Course (CTE) |
Industry Certification8 |
Required |
Emergency First Aid/CPR |
Required |
Total |
25 |
6 |
5 |
Students may earn a Standard Diploma by earning the required standard and verified units of credits as specified in the chart above.
1 Courses completed to satisfy this requirement shall include at least three different course selections from among: Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra Functions and Data Analysis, Algebra II, or other mathematics courses above the level of Algebra II.
2 Courses completed to satisfy this requirement shall include course selections from at least two different science disciplines from among: earth sciences, biology, ecology, chemistry, or physics. Beginning with the 2018-2019 school year, the addition of (non-AP) Environmental Science will also be available for students to satisfy the science requirement.
3 Courses completed to satisfy this requirement shall include U.S. and Virginia History, U.S. and Virginia Government, and one course in either World History I, and additional Social Studies course.
4 Pursuant to Section 22.1-253.13:4, Code of Virginia, credits earned for this requirement shall include one credit in fine or performing arts or career and technical education.
5 Courses to satisfy this requirement shall include at least two sequential electives as required by the Standards of Quality.
6Students who complete a career and technical education program sequence and pass an examination or occupational competency assessment in a career and technical education field that confers certification or an occupational competency credential from a recognized industry, or trade or professional association or acquires a professional license in a career and technical education field from the Commonwealth of Virginia may substitute the certification, competency credential, or license, for (i) the student selected verified credit and (ii) either a science or history and social science verified credit when the certification, license, or credential confers more than one verified credit. The examination or occupational competency assessment must be approved by the Board of Education as an additional test to verify student achievement.
7A student may utilize additional tests for earning verified credit in computer science, technology, career or technical education, economics, or other areas as prescribed by the board in 8 VAC 230-131-110.
8 Passing an Industry Certification test will be required for graduation beginning with the freshmen class of 2013-2014.
9Beginning with first time ninth grader students in the 2016-2017 school year, requirements for the standards and advanced diploma shall include a requirement to be trained in emergency first aid, CPR and the use of automated external defibrillators, including hands-on practice of the skills necessary to perform CPR.
10On-line course will be required for graduating beginning with the class of 2013-14.
Industry Certification Test information may be found on the VDOE website. Please click on the following link to view up to date information.
Verified Unit of Credit
A verified unit of credit is awarded for a course in which the student earns a standard unit of credit and achieves a passing score on a corresponding end-of-course SOL test or a substitute assessment approved by the Board of Education. Students who are enrolled in a career and technical program area and pass a certification exam and/or licensure may earn a student-selected verified credit. A student-selected test for verified credit may come from any end-of-course SOL test that is not already satisfying a required verified credit. Local verified credits will be awarded in accordance with Henry County School Board Policy.
Standard Unit of Credit
A standard unit of credit is awarded for a course in which the student successfully completes the objectives of the course.