General Information
Promotion Policies
Promotion to the next grade is based on the total cumulative number (units) of credits earned by a student at the end of the school year. They are:
From Grade 9 – 10 : 6 Credits
From Grade 10 – 11 : 12 Credits
From Grade 11 – 12 : 17 Credits and eligible to graduate at the end of the school year or in summer school.
Report Cards
All interim progress and report cards will be sent to parents by e-mail. Therefore, all parents and guardians must have completed the procedures for student enrollment.
Test Records
Parents have the right to have their child’s test score omitted from his/her transcript for the high school credit course. Should parents choose to omit the test record from the transcript, the parents should submit a written request to the principal of the high school where the student attends. Questions concerning this option should be directed to a child’s counselor.
Course Changes
The student benefits from a well-planned schedule that addresses individual needs and does not require later adjustments that might disrupt the learning process. Commitments for staff, textbooks, and supplies are made based upon the courses selected; therefore, schedule changes are discouraged. If there are extenuating circumstances and if course enrollment allows, requests for schedule changes are carefully reviewed based on the following:
- Computer or human error (scheduled for a class that was not requested)
- Prerequisite not met
- Passing or failing a course after registration period
- Moving to an AP or DE level course
Requests will not be honored for changes related to the following:
- Changing teachers, lunch schedule, or for social reasons
Driver Education
The classroom driver education course is offered as part of the tenth grade health education curriculum. When students complete the classroom phase and have secured a learner’s permit, they may sign up to take behind-the-wheel driver instruction.
Gifted Education
The gifted education program provides services for students in accordance with the Standards of Quality. The program is designed to address individual learning styles, needs, and interests. Henry County Public Schools requires appropriately differentiated instructional services for students at all grade levels. The Henry County Public Schools Local Plan for Education of the Gifted Program provides detailed information on referral and identification processes as well as the services provided for identified students.
Programs for Students with Disabilities
Special Education is an essential part of the total program of public education in our community, sharing with elementary, middle, secondary, and technical education the responsibility for providing instruction, training, and necessary supportive services for all children of Henry County. The educational interests of children with various types of exceptionality can be best served when they are accepted as an integral part of the total school program. As the law mandates, the education of disabled students in the “least restrictive environment” is emphasized. Special education, as is true for all education, is based on the fundamental concept of the dignity and worth of the human personality. The school division’s commitment is to provide an appropriate program for all special needs children.
Repeating a Course
Students who repeat a class to improve a grade shall only have the highest grade recorded; however, all attempts shall be indicated and remain part of a student’s transcript.
"Oh Henry" Internship Program
“Oh Henry” student career experiences offer students in grade twelve a snapshot of career opportunities existing in and around our community. Mentors share knowledge and serve as a source of information as the student observes work in a professional setting. Students complete a career assessment and participate in “soft skills” training in preparation for placement at a worksite. In addition, interns assemble portfolios and create resumes for use in obtaining employment and/or pursuing further education. Internships are completed for 80 hours to earn one credit. Applications are available on the Henry County Public School’s website. Beginning in the spring semester of their junior year, students may apply to participate in the Oh Henry Program. Students can complete an application on the school or division website. *Available to SENIORS* Students registered for “Oh Henry” must have a complete schedule until job placement has been secured. Once an internship is secured, students’ schedules will be altered to accommodate participation in the Oh Henry Internship Program.
Grades Removal Notification
This notice is to inform parents of rising ninth-grade students that, according to Standards of Accreditation 8VAC-20-131-90, they have the right to have their child’s grade omitted from his/her transcript for the high school credit courses in which their child was enrolled during their eighth grade year. These include Algebra I, Spanish I, and French I. Should parents/guardians choose to omit their student’s grade, the student will not receive credit for the course. To have a child’s grade expunged, parents should submit a written request to the principal of the high school where the student will attend prior to the opening day of school.
English Learners (EL)
At each grade level, EL students engage in instructional activities to increase listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. While building on their prior knowledge and learning new material, students are provided support services through a cohesive program. Proficiency is determined by the WIDA SCREENER Assessment and/or the WIDA ACCESS 2.0 Test. Students build Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills (BICS) and Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP) through an inclusion and pull-out model.
Alternative Education
According to Henry County Schools Policy IGBH, an alternative education program may be offered for students in grades six through twelve who are not succeeding in the traditional school environment. Placement in the alternative school program is at the discretion of the Superintendent or Designee.
A regional alternative school is available for students in grades six through twelve who have experienced trouble with juvenile authorities or have multiple suspensions or an expulsion.
Remediation Programs
Remedial education in the subject areas of reading, English, science, history/social sciences and mathematics is offered for eligible students experiencing difficulty with Standards of Learning concepts.