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Graduation Ceremony
Students who complete graduation requirements during the regular school year are eligible to participate in the graduation ceremony. If requirements are not met during the regular school year, students will not be allowed to participate in the graduation ceremony. Students completing graduation requirements during the summer term will be eligible to participate in the summer graduation ceremony. Honor graduates will be denoted in the graduation program.

Fine Arts or Career and Technical Education Course
The following courses will meet the fine arts graduation requirement: all art courses, all music courses, and all drama courses. All Career and Technical courses will meet the graduation requirement. The course taken to satisfy the Fine Arts or Career and Technical Education course requirement may also serve as one of the two credits required to satisfy the sequential electives requirement.

Standard Unit of Credit
A standard unit of credit is awarded for a course in which the student successfully completes the objectives of the course.

Verified Unit of Credit
A verified unit of credit is awarded for a course in which the student earns a standard unit of credit and achieves a passing score on a corresponding end-of-course SOL test or a substitute assessment approved by the Board of Education.  Students who are enrolled in a career and technical program area and pass a certification exam and/or licensure may earn a student-selected verified credit. A student-selected test for verified credit may come from any end-of-course SOL test that is not already satisfying a required verified credit. Local verified credits will be awarded in accordance with Henry County School Board Policy.

Sequential Electives
Sequential electives are defined as two years of study in a focused sequence of elective courses.

Honor Graduate Recognition

  • Graduates with a 3.8 GPA or higher will be recognized as Honor Graduates.
  • With the exception of class speakers, all students (including Honor Graduates) will be seated alphabetically regardless of class rank.
  • Honor Graduates will be denoted in the graduation program.

Graduate of Distinction
The following criteria will need to be met by each student:

  • Academic
    • Cumulative grade point average of 3.8 or higher or,
    • Score 1250 or higher on SAT using any two of the subtests, or at least one of the subtests or,
    • Score 28 or higher on the ACT composite score or,
    • Earn a state or national academic award/office and 3.5 GPA
  • Service-Learning or Volunteering
    • Student will have to complete at least 40 hours
  • Extracurricular Activities
    • Students will be expected to participate in a minimum of two activities during their junior or senior year

Students will be recognized with a medallion, or similar item, and reception. The School Board, administration from each school, and parents of Graduates of Distinctions will be invited to the event. 

*Students must complete an application and maintain a HCPS provided volunteer hour log and extra-curricular activity log. Completed applications and student logs should be turned in January 9, 2023 to guidance.

The Graduate of Distinction application and student logs may be found using the following link: