High School Curriculum
General Information
The information in this guide is designed to help students and parents with the selection of courses for ninth through twelfth grades. Students should study this publication and consult with their parents, school counselors, and teachers in planning their individual program of study. School counselors can help with planning by analyzing test scores and records of past achievements and by discussing current interests and long-term goals. School counselors also have up-to-date information available about various training programs, schools, colleges, universities, and employment possibilities.
Registration will take place online through the Student/Parent Portal in PowerSchool. Students will have access to information concerning course selection for the coming year as well as the opportunity to meet with a counselor to discuss appropriate course selection. This Program of Studies should be used to review diploma requirements and the explanations of courses offered. The courses listed will be offered for the school year only if there is sufficient enrollment and available staff. Grade levels listed for courses indicate the grade(s) in which the course is normally taken. All students will be expected to maintain a full-day schedule of classes in order to meet at least the minimum standards necessary for graduation as mandated by Henry County Public Schools and the Virginia State Board of Education.
School counselors, together with parents, assist students in developing self-understanding in order to determine the best use of their abilities. Counselors encourage students to examine educational and career opportunities and to make realistic plans and decisions for the future. Educational and career planning are reviewed with each student annually. Both individual and group counseling services are available for those students who are experiencing social, emotional, or academic difficulties. Parents are encouraged to meet with counselors if they have concerns about their child’s progress and to attend meetings relating to educational planning and the instructional programs offered in the school.
Access to Courses
Course descriptions indicate if any prerequisite courses are required in order to enroll in a class. ACE Academy, Governor’s School, and IDEA Academy courses require application and admission to the program. P&HCC Dual Enrollment courses require a P&HCC application and qualifying VPT scores.
PowerSchool is a web-based student information system used by Henry County Public Schools to maintain student data including attendance, grades, and course information.
Canvas is a Learning Management System (LMS) that is to be used by Henry County Public Schools. Teachers will use Canvas to post assignments, send messages to parents and students, display daily schedules, post homework, and so much more. Parents and Guardians may be observers in their students' Canvas accounts in order to view grades, assignments, and course information. Navigate to https://henry.instructure.com/login/canvas and select “Click here for an account” to begin the account creation. Parents and Guardians will need an email address, user-defined password and student pairing code. Students can generate pairing codes from the User Settings inside their Canvas account. You may also obtain those codes from the child's classroom teacher. For additional assistance, follow the step-by-step instruction guide that can be found here: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Observer-Guide/How-do-I-sign-up-for-a-Canvas-account-as-a-parent/ta-p/540, or contact your child's school.
Student Enrollment
HCPS families may now enroll new students and verify information for returning students online. The website to enroll and update information is https://www.henry.k12.va.us/domain/2798
*It is important that parents/guardians remember the email account and password created as this will be the platform for all communication.*
Early College Scholars
To qualify for the Early College Scholars program, a student must:
- Have a “B” average or better;
- Be pursuing an Advanced Studies Diploma; and
- Take and complete college –level course work (i.e., Advanced Placement, or dual enrollment) that will earn at least 15 transferable college credits