Standards of Learning Tests
Standards of Learning Tests
Each student in middle and high schools shall take all applicable end-of-course SOL tests following course instruction. The division superintendent shall certify to the Department of Education that the division's policy for dropping courses ensures that students' course schedules are not changed to avoid end-of-course SOL tests. Students who achieve a passing score on an end-of-course SOL test shall be awarded a verified unit of credit in that course in accordance with the provisions of 8VAC20-131-110. Students may earn verified units of credit in any courses for which end-of-course SOL tests are available. Students shall not be required to take an end-of-course SOL test in an academic subject after they have earned the number of verified credits required for that academic content area for graduation, unless such test is necessary in order for the school to meet federal accountability requirements.
Local Performance Assessment for Verified Credit
In accordance with the changes by the VDOE to the Writing End of Course SOL test, Henry County students will use a local performance assessment to earn their verified credit in writing for graduation. Students will create a portfolio over three years to demonstrate their proficiency in the three modes of writing: persuasive, argumentative, and analytical.
EOC Reading |
Algebra I |
Earth Science |
World History to 1500 A.D. |
Local Performance Assessment for Verified Credit in Writing |
Geometry |
Biology |
World History from 1500 A.D. |
Algebra II |
Chemistry |
World Geography |
VA and U.S. History |